The Professional Body for Supply Chain Management (SAPICS) has announced that its Spring conference takes place in Johannesburg on 29 August 2024. This event will explore the latest trends, innovations and best practices in the industry. The programme includes compelling presentations from the 46th annual SAPICS Conference which took place in Cape Town in June and saw more than 750 supply chain managers from 30 countries gather to share knowledge and network. The organisers state that the SAPICS Spring Summit offers supply chain managers who were unable to attend the…

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Experts stress that to fight climate change, it is critical to transform supply chains as they produce around 60% of all carbon emissions globally. But while greener supply chains are a growing imperative, the supply chain community is “unengaged” on the topic, according to international author and renowned circular supply chain specialist Deborah Dull. United States-based Dull was speaking at the 2024 SAPICS Conference in Cape Town, Africa’s leading event annual for the supply chain profession. She and supply chain expert Douglas Kent shared the stage to launch their new…

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2024 SAPICS Conference – Transforming Healthcare in Eswatini with Innovation and Compassion

The Kingdom of Eswatini is the unexpected location of an extraordinary, state-of-the-art healthcare facility that is leveraging the latest technology and innovations to deliver exceptional free healthcare to people in need. The Miracle Campus Hospital in the town of Sidvokodvo has been described as “the quintessence of excellence, innovation, and impact in health services” by World Bank country director Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly. The story of the Miracle Campus, The Luke Commission and a powerful digital platform called Luvelo was among the compelling topics on the programme at the recent 2024…

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2nd AfDB Transport Forum: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, September 18-19, 2024 “Accelerating the Development of Resilient Infrastructure in Africa”

Logis-T Africa – The African Development Bank (AfDB) announces the開催 of the 2nd AfDB Transport Forum (ATF) from September 18-19, 2024 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, under the theme “Accelerating the Development of Resilient Infrastructure in Africa”. This two-day forum will bring together transport sector leaders and experts for high-level discussions, presentations, and sharing of experiences and best practices. The main objective is to highlight the emerging challenges in the transport sector in Africa and to find sustainable solutions to improve the continent’s resilience and independence. Background and Challenges of the…

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The Western Cape Government’s 11th Annual Smart Procurement Conference saw 500 provincial and municipal officials and suppliers meet to learn, share knowledge and network. The event’s key focus areas included strategic procurement and public-private partnerships, and the conference explored how these can enhance infrastructure delivery and build strong, sustainable communities. Attendees at this important event included heads of supply chain in the province, engineers, asset managers, chief buyers, local economic development managers, chief financial officers and municipal managers, as well as suppliers. Officials from the national, provincial and municipal spheres…

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Zambia’s Road Transport & Safety Agency Hosts Inaugural SSATP Leaders in Road Safety Management Training Program

The Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), in collaboration with Zambia’s Road Transport & Safety Agency (RTSA), is pleased to announce the launch of the inaugural SSATP Leaders in Road Safety Management (LRSM) Training Program taking place in Lusaka from June 3-7, 2024. This landmark initiative underscores the critical importance of enhancing road safety management capacity across the African continent and marks a significant step towards addressing the pressing road safety crisis in the region. The Road Safety Crisis & Urgent Need for Action Africa faces a daunting road safety challenge,…

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L’aviation africaine prête à décoller : Convention et sommet AFRAA sur la sécurité et les opérations à Addis-Abeba

L’Association des compagnies aériennes africaines (AFRAA) se prépare pour sa 12ème Convention des acteurs du secteur aérien (ASC) et le premier Sommet africain sur la sécurité et les opérations aériennes, qui se tiendront à Addis-Abeba, en Éthiopie, du 12 au 15 mai 2024. Connecter et sécuriser le ciel africain Le thème de l’ASC, “Au-delà de la connexion de l’aviation africaine”, reflète l’engagement de l’AFRAA à favoriser la collaboration et la croissance au sein de l’industrie aéronautique africaine. Cet événement de haut niveau devrait attirer plus de 500 délégués du monde…

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The 71st International Conference and Exhibition of ACI-Africa under the theme: “Airports: Engines of Social, Economic and Sustainable Growth.”

LogisT Africa – The Egyptian capital will host the 71st International Conference and Exhibition of the Airports Council International – Africa Region ‘ACI-Africa,’ from February 24 to March 1, 2024. The event is organized by the Holding Company for Airports and Air Navigation, one of the companies affiliated with the Ministry of Civil Aviation of Egypt. Under the patronage of the Prime Minister, Dr Mostafa Madbouly, this gathering aims to bring together approximately 400 representatives from airports and international organizations representing 52 African countries, around the theme: ‘Airports: Engines of…

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Who should be responsible for addressing Africa’s logistical infrastructure challenges?

  For decades – one of the greatest challenges to the development of Africa’s mining industry can largely be attributed to limited infrastructure, including power, water supply, and importantly, roads and rail.  Addressing Africa’s logistical infrastructure challenges could unlock economic benefits, including increased investment in mining, improved transportation networks, increased export capabilities and increased revenue and job creation, while also benefiting other sectors like manufacturing and construction.   “Through Mining Indaba’s Disruptive Discussions format in 2024, taking place on the Disruptive Discussions Main Stage, we are no longer merely acknowledging the…

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Applications close on 26th January 2024   The eighth annual Smart Supplier Readiness Programme has been launched by the City of Cape Town. This initiative aims to grow and support small businesses. It will empower them to engage effectively with corporate supply chains and access new and larger contract opportunities in the public and private sector. Applications for the programme are open and all qualifying vendors are invited to apply before the closing date on 26 January 2024. The City of Cape Town has again partnered with Smart Procurement World to offer this…

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