We are delighted to present the first issue of our new periodical publication that provides an ‘Overview of Trade News in Africa’. Our goal is to keep you informed about the most important developments and emerging trends shaping Trade on the continent. In each issue, we will offer you a summary of essential information: Major trade agreements Significant sector developments Progress in regional economic integration Changes in trade policies Challenges and opportunities for African trade AfCFTA news Whether you are a trade professional, an investor, a policy maker, or simply…

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Dear Readers and Partners, It is with great joy and immense satisfaction that I reconnect with you on the occasion of the sixth issue of Logistafrica, after a few months of silence that were well-utilized to meet and exchange ideas with professionals across various parts of the continent. Whether during my various travels or through online meetings, I have taken the time to engage with professionals from Dakar to Cape Town, passing through Abidjan, Cotonou, Lomé, Douala, Rabat, etc., all with the aim of better serving you through this magazine.…

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Logistafrica Magazine 004

We are delighted to launch the English version of our magazine with the fourth issue, which also marks the addition of new sections. In this issue : 📌 Milestone 45th SAPICS conference was a huge success 📌 Discovering Maverick Supply Chain, by Jean Noel N’Gouan, CMILT 📌 Inventory management, tasks and techniques, by Azim ISSIFOU 📌 Tracking the journey of your product – Traceability: Why and How , by Gil-christ Jéhovani ABA 📌 Vox Pop: What do you believe are the major challenges of the supply chain in Africa in the face of the implementation of…

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We are pleased to present the 3rd issue of our periodical dedicated to showcasing the inspiring stories and experiences of women in Africa’s vibrant transport, logistics, trade, and supply chain industry. In this edition, we bring you insightful interviews with six remarkable women hailing from diverse corners of the continent. Their stories shed light on the challenges they face and the innovative ways in which they strive to overcome them. We take a look at the daily life of one of them, in our new feature, A day with… We also…

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Logis-T Africa Women #002

Discover the second issue of Logis-T Africa Women, our magazine dedicated to women in the transport and logistics sector in Africa. On the front page, we focus on 6 women working in the sector in Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria. This second issue introduces two new sections: – Man’s voice: in which a man from the sector,  Mr. Pokolo F.J. Andrewson Jr, Director General of the Atlantic Maritime Agency (AMASCO), shares his views on the importance of women in the sector; – Vox pop: where two women of the sector gave…

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Logis-T Africa Women #001

Discover the first issue of our magazine dedicated to women in the transport and logistics sector in Africa. On the front page, the spotlight is on 6 women (from Benin, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal and Togo) who are each demonstrating leadership in the transport and logistics sector in their respective countries. We thank our guest editor who made the selection and conducted the interviews: Pascaline ODOUBOUROU, founder and editor-in-chief of Maritimafrica. Read and download the magazine here

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