Fly Gabon: Imminent Take-off of the New National Airline

The new national airline of Gabon, Fly Gabon, is set to take to the skies next week. This announcement follows the recent acquisition of its second ATR 72-600, marking a crucial step in the launch of its operations. Nyl Moret-Mba, CEO of Fly Gabon, confirmed in an interview with the daily newspaper L’Union that the first flights will begin next week. “We have completely renovated the old national terminal with our own funds. All our domestic flights will depart from there,” he stated, emphasizing the company’s commitment to providing a…

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Unveiling Africa’s Untapped Aerial Potential: High-Promise Unserved Routes

Aerospace giant Airbus has recently unveiled a network of unserved air routes across Africa, presenting a wealth of opportunities to boost transportation, trade, and economic growth on the continent. The study, titled “Exploring the horizons: A study of unserved air routes to, from and within Africa,” is a collaborative effort between Airbus and AviaDev. It focuses on city pairs that could support direct flights but currently lack them. The analysis utilizes origin and destination (O&D) traffic data and flight schedules to identify these potential routes, covering the period from December…

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Gabon’s ANAC and Ethiopian Aviation University Partner to Boost Aviation Development

The Gabonese Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) recently undertook a successful mission to the Ethiopian Aviation University (EAU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This mission aligns with a national campaign to raise awareness among Gabonese youth about aviation careers and develop technical and operational skills related to civil aviation. Strategic Partnership to Strengthen Skills Led by ANAC’s Director General and a delegation comprising aviation experts, the mission’s primary objective was to formalize a strategic partnership with EAU. This partnership aims to strengthen civil aviation skills in Gabon and support the country’s ambition…

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Emirates to Launch New Route Linking Madagascar and Dubai via Seychelles Starting September

Emirates has announced the launch of a new route to Madagascar, starting from September 3, 2024. This new service will offer travelers more choices and connectivity, promoting both tourism and business travel to this country with spectacular landscapes. Flights EK707 and EK708 will connect Dubai (DXB) to Antananarivo (TNR) four times a week, with a stopover in the Seychelles (SEZ). Flight EK707 will depart from Dubai at 8:55 AM and arrive in Mahé at 1:35 PM, before continuing to Antananarivo, where it will land at 4:50 PM. The return flight…

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Korhogo Renovated Airport: A 23 Billion FCFA Investment for Passenger Comfort and Regional Development

Unveiled on May 18, 2024, the renovated Korhogo airport stands as a testament to Côte d’Ivoire’s commitment to modernizing its air transport infrastructure. With a staggering investment of 23 billion FCFA, this state-of-the-art facility is not only designed to enhance passenger comfort but also to serve as a catalyst for regional growth and development. The airport boasts an array of cutting-edge aeronautical equipment, including visual aids, radio and meteorological systems, a precision landing system, a car park accommodating over 120 vehicles, a 5 km road network, well-equipped offices for staff,…

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Guinean Government Seeks Moroccan Expertise to Establish National Airline “Air Guinée”

(Logis-T Africa) The Guinean government has taken a significant step towards establishing a new national airline, “Air Guinée,” by seeking the expertise of Morocco, a leading player in the African aviation sector. During a recent visit to Morocco, Guinean Transport Minister Ousmane Gaoual Diallo held discussions with his Moroccan counterpart, Mohamed Abdeljalil, to explore avenues for strengthening bilateral cooperation, particularly in the field of air transport. “The meeting provided an opportunity to examine ways to benefit from Moroccan experience in the maritime and rail transport sectors. In addition, the two…

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ECOWAS, ICAO and BAGASOO Update Technical Agreements to Accelerate Implementation of the West and Central Africa Air Transport Development Support Program (PASTA-CO)

The ECOWAS Commission’s Directorate of Transport convened officials from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Banjul Accord Group on Safety Oversight (BAGASOO) from May 7-9, 2024, in Lagos, Nigeria, to review the implementation of the West and Central Africa Air Transport Development Support Program (PASTA-CO). The PASTA-CO project, funded by the African Development Bank and complemented by contributions from the ECOWAS community budget, aims to provide safe and efficient air navigation services in a unified airspace to support trade and regional socio-economic integration in West and Central Africa.…

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Air Côte d’Ivoire Inaugurates Direct Flight to Casablanca

(Logis-T Africa) On Monday, May 6, 2024, at precisely 4:10 PM, Air Côte d’Ivoire’s inaugural flight from Abidjan to Casablanca landed at Mohammed VI International Airport in Casablanca. This event marks the beginning of a new era of strengthened cooperation between the two nations, fostering trade, tourism, and cultural ties. The Airbus A320 carrying the Ivorian delegation, including Transport Minister Amadou Koné and aviation officials, was greeted with enthusiasm by Moroccan authorities. A water cannon salute, an honor guard, and applause marked this historic occasion. This new direct route between Abidjan…

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L’aviation africaine prête à décoller : Convention et sommet AFRAA sur la sécurité et les opérations à Addis-Abeba

L’Association des compagnies aériennes africaines (AFRAA) se prépare pour sa 12ème Convention des acteurs du secteur aérien (ASC) et le premier Sommet africain sur la sécurité et les opérations aériennes, qui se tiendront à Addis-Abeba, en Éthiopie, du 12 au 15 mai 2024. Connecter et sécuriser le ciel africain Le thème de l’ASC, “Au-delà de la connexion de l’aviation africaine”, reflète l’engagement de l’AFRAA à favoriser la collaboration et la croissance au sein de l’industrie aéronautique africaine. Cet événement de haut niveau devrait attirer plus de 500 délégués du monde…

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Kenya Airways Takes Flight Again: Records First Profit Since 2017

Kenya Airways (KQ) has finally turned a corner, emerging from a period of financial turbulence to record a significant milestone in its turnaround journey. The national carrier announced a KSh 10.5 billion operating profit for the year ended December 31, 2023. This achievement marks the airline’s first profitable year since 2017, signifying a remarkable comeback. “These figures highlight the airline’s remarkable performance over the year and provide encouraging signs of continued recovery within the air transportation sector,” said Kenya Airways Chairman, Michael Joseph. Project Kifaru Takes Off This positive shift…

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