Abidjan-Lagos Road Corridor: ECOWAS Takes a New Step with a Validation Workshop on Trade and Transport Facilitation

The ECOWAS Commission organized a three-day technical workshop to review an interim report on the trade and transport facilitation study for the Abidjan-Lagos road corridor development project. This workshop, held from June 27 to 29, 2024, in Lomé, brought together representatives from member states, regional and international institutions, as well as development partners, to review progress made and agree on a framework for the smooth movement of goods, services, people, and vehicles along the corridor. The main objective of the workshop was to validate the interim report and gather feedback…

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Togo : The Arab Africa Trade Bridges Program (AATB) launches Training Initiative to Boost the Transport & Transit Sector

Le Programme Arab Africa Trade Bridges (AATB) lance une Formation destinée à dynamiser le Secteur du Transport et du Transit au Togo

The objective of this training is to equip trainers with the necessary skills to conduct high-quality educational sessions for professionals in the transport and transit sector The General Secretariat of the Arab Africa Trade Bridges (AATB) Program, a multi-donor, inter-regional program, launched in collaboration with Togo’s Ministry of Road Transport, Air, and Rail an initiative aimed at empowering Togo’s transport and transit sector. The “Training for Trainers” initiative is expertly facilitated by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) in Lomé, Togo.   The objective of this training is to equip…

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The Port Autonome de Lomé honoured at the 43rd Session of the PMAWCA

The Port Autonome de Lomé has once again shone on the international stage by winning major distinctions at the 43rd session of the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA), which took place from 6 to 9 November 2023 at the Continental Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria. The highlight of the event was the 7th edition of the African Ports Awards, at which the Togolese port was honoured for its outstanding excellence and innovation in the port sector. At this prestigious ceremony, the Port Autonome de Lomé was awarded…

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Community gearing up for progress as renovated Lomé-Cotonou road slashes travel times

Matthew Antwi is a haulier and works for a Nigerian business that exports coconuts. He regularly drives the Lomé-Cotonou road from his home country Ghana to deliver the nuts to Nigeria.   “A few years ago, it took around two hours to complete all the formalities at the border and up to three hours to get to Aflao (on the border between Togo and Ghana) from the Benin-Togo border-control post,” That was because of the poor state of the section of road between Lomé and Cotonou,” recounts the driver, seated…

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The Port Autonome de Lomé strengthens its fleet with the arrival of a new tugboat

The Togolese Minister for the Maritime Economy, Fisheries and Coastal Protection, Mr Kokou Edem Tengue, has just announced some excellent news on his social networks: the arrival at the Port of Lomé of the new tugboat promised by Boluda, a multinational company specialising in tugboats. The new tug represents a major step forward for the Port Autonome de Lomé, and will help to increase the port’s capacity and boost its competitiveness in the region…. read more on maritimafrica     ……

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Although overall traffic at the Port of Lome fell slightly (-6%) in the first half of 2022, this was made up for in the third quarter. Indeed, the region’s only deepwater port quickly made up for this decline with a 9% jump in the first three months of the second half. It has thus experienced growth of 3% to date. Three key factors behind the decline in the first half This decline in the first half of the current year at the Port of Lome can be explained by these…

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Working session for the fluidity of traffic on the Lome-Ouagadougou Corridor

The Togolese capital hosted from Thursday 1 to Friday, September 2, 2022, two days of work between Togo and Burkina Faso in order to further facilitate the transit of goods on the corridor Lome-Cinkasse-Ouagadougou. Organized during the visit of the Burkinabe Minister of Transport, Urban Mobility and Road Safety, Mahamoudou Zampaligre, in Lomé, these days were attended by the Togolese Minister of Road, Air and Rail Transport, Affoh Atcha-Dedji; the Minister of Trade, Industry and Local Consumption, Kodjo Adedze; and the Minister of Public Works, Zouréhatou Tcho-Kondo Kassa Traoré. In…

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On Thursday 24 February 2022, the Minister of Maritime Economy, Fisheries and Coastal Protection, Kokou Edem TENGUE received two (02) new mobile cranes for the Lomé Container Terminal (LCT). The reception of these new equipments took place on the site of LCT in the presence of the Director General of the Port Autonome de Lomé (PAL), Rear Admiral Fogan Adégnon, the Director General of the Mediterian Shipping Companing (MSC-Togo), Mr. Gregory Krief, the General Manager of LCT, Mr. Rachid Baho, the Director of Terminal Investiment limited (TIL), Mr. David El…

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