This year’s Smart Procurement World Indaba, South Africa’s largest and longest-standing event for procurement and inbound supply chain professionals, will be held in person again for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year marks the 16th annual Smart Procurement World Indaba. The event takes place from 12 to 15 September 2022 at Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand. It will be held under the theme “Glocalised Procurement – Think Global, Act Local”.

“‘Glocalisation’ in procurement is more than just looking at what can be procured globally. It’s a new phenomenon that allows for the adaptation of global and international strategies into the local contexts,” explains Smart Procurement World chief operating officer Debbie Tagg. She notes that, done properly, glocalisation is a stronger economic development catalyst than globalisation and localisation separated. “At the Indaba, we will look at the feasibility of applying this concept in the context of our reality.”

Tagg stresses that in the wake of COVID-19, there is so much for the profession to learn, discuss and catch up on at the 2022 Indaba. “The pandemic and other chaotic business disruptions have challenged procurement professionals like never before. Procurement and sourcing in the new normal means managing everything from stock disruptions, logistics interruptions and labour shortages to rising inflation. This year’s Indaba will examine how we can mitigate the impact of these challenges. Recent legislative changes have also thrown public procurement into disarray. National Treasury and leaders will address these and other topical issues at the Indaba. Public procurement practitioners can again gather in person to navigate the way forward.

“We are delighted to be able to welcome our procurement community back to an in-person event,” Tagg states. “No more smiling eyes only! We look forward to seeing procurement professionals’ warm smiles too now, as we get to meet face-to-face once more, to learn, network and share valuable lessons and knowledge.”

“In addition to being back in person, which is exciting enough on its own, this year’s conference really talks to our profession at all levels,” she expands. “There is no back seat for procurement anymore! No organisation is unaffected by supply disruptions and global volatility, not even the public sector. Smart Procurement World looks forward to hosting the thought-provoking debates and sharing of ideas amongst colleagues in September.”

Smart Procurement World has partnered with Absa, Dooka, Tradeshift, Oxalys, Lumi and LexisNexis to host the 2022 Indaba. Sam Oppenheimer, general manager of Dooka South Africa, says that the organisation is excited to be part of this important event. “The 16th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba is where all the decision makers that matter will be – the people who set the course for how African companies can innovate and lead the way in procurement initiatives. Dooka will officially launch a new way of purchasing to South Africa at the Indaba.”

Two additional events running alongside the 2022 Smart Procurement World Indaba will add even more value for attendees. The annual APMP SA conference is a guest conference and will focus on the tender proposal and bidding process. The 11th annual Absa Enterprise and Supplier Development Event also forms part of the Indaba. It is South Africa’s largest, long standing market access event, connecting SMMEs (small, medium and micro enterprises) to corporate procurement. “This is a must-attend gathering for SMMEs striving to accelerate their businesses,” Tagg concludes.

To find out more about sponsorship and partnership opportunities at the 2022 Smart Procurement World Indaba, contact Keshni Reddy on keshni@smartprocurement.net


Smart Procurement World chief operating officer Debbie Tagg