The concept of “just-in-time” refers to a method of supply chain management that aims to reduce costs and improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary inventory. This method involves producing or delivering products just in time, in precise quantities, to meet immediate customer demand.

In other words, just-in-time means that production or delivery is synchronised with actual demand, thus avoiding the costs associated with managing large stocks. This approach involves close collaboration between the different actors in the supply chain, such as suppliers, manufacturers and distributors, to ensure that products are delivered to the right place at the right time.

The concept of just-in-time delivery has become increasingly popular in the manufacturing and distribution sectors because of its ability to improve efficiency and profitability. However, it requires careful management of production processes, storage levels and logistics to minimise the risk of stock-outs and supply chain disruption.

In short, just-in-time is an approach to supply chain management that produces or delivers products just-in-time in precise quantities to meet immediate customer demand. It is a method that aims to reduce costs and improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary inventory.

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