Inauguration of Africa Global Logistics in Uganda: A new logistics era begins

The inauguration of AGL (Africa Global Logistics) in Kampala, Uganda, on 9 November marks an important milestone in Uganda’s economic landscape. A major player in the logistics and transport sector, AGL is committed to contributing to Uganda’s economic growth by providing innovative logistics solutions that facilitate trade in the region. The event was marked by the presence of eminent personalities, including the Minister of State, the Honourable Fred Byamukama, the French Ambassador to Uganda, His Excellency Mr Xavier Sticker, and a representative of the Ministry of Finance. The Minister of…

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The Port Autonome de Lomé honoured at the 43rd Session of the PMAWCA

The Port Autonome de Lomé has once again shone on the international stage by winning major distinctions at the 43rd session of the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA), which took place from 6 to 9 November 2023 at the Continental Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria. The highlight of the event was the 7th edition of the African Ports Awards, at which the Togolese port was honoured for its outstanding excellence and innovation in the port sector. At this prestigious ceremony, the Port Autonome de Lomé was awarded…

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